
Da Wikinotizie, le notizie a contenuto aperto

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  • Firefox / Safari: tieni premuto il tasto delle maiuscole Shift e fai clic su Ricarica, oppure premi Ctrl-F5 o Ctrl-R (⌘-R su Mac)
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* Ajoute des liens après les catégories pour rapidement
* supprimer / modifier / ajouter une catégorie sur un article.
* Utilise Ajax et l'api MediaWiki pour rechercher une catégorie.
* Version adaptée pour WP:fr de [[:commons:MediaWiki:HotCat.js]]
* Auteur original : Magnus Manske
* Adaptation pour WP:fr : Zelda
* [[Catégorie:MediaWiki:Fonction Monobook en JavaScript]]


// Ritardo del suggerimento rispetto la digitazione del testo
var hotcat_suggestion_delay = 0.1;

// Dimensione della lista scorrevole (en items)
var hotcat_list_size = 6;

// Numero massimo di categorie suggerite nella lista
var hotcat_list_items = 20;

// Salvataggio automatico (senza bisogna di passare per la finestra di editing
var hotcat_autocommit = true;

// Permette di mostrare la lista dei suggerimenti verso il basso
var hotcat_list_down = true;


var hotcat_running = 0 ;
var hotcat_last_v = "" ;
var hotcat_exists_yes = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/be/P_yes.svg/20px-P_yes.svg.png" ;
var hotcat_exists_no = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/P_no.svg/20px-P_no.svg.png" ;

addOnloadHook ( hotcat ) ;

function hotcat () {
  if ( hotcat_check_action() ) return ; // Edited page, reloading anyway

  var catlinks = document.getElementById("catlinks");

  if (! catlinks && wgNamespaceNumber %2 == 0) { // all except discussion
   // let's create a fake one
   var bodyC = document.getElementById("bodyContent");
   catlinks = document.createElement("div");
   catlinks.id = "catlinks";
   catlinks.firstChild.className = "catlinks";

  var catline = 
  document.getElementById ('mw-normal-catlinks') ||
  getElementsByClassName ( document , "p" , "catlinks" ) [0];

  if ( catline == null || typeof catline == 'undefined' ) return ;

  hotcat_modify_existing ( catline ) ;
  hotcat_append_add_span ( catline ) ;

function hotcat_append_add_span ( catline ) {
  var span_add = document.createElement ( "span" ) ;
  var span_sep = document.createTextNode ( " | " ) ;
  if ( catline.firstChild ) catline.appendChild ( span_sep ) ;
  catline.appendChild ( span_add ) ;
  hotcat_create_span ( span_add ) ;

String.prototype.ucFirst = function () {
   return this.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + this.substr(1,this.length);

function hotcat_modify_span ( span , i ) {
  var cat_title = span.firstChild.getAttribute ( "title" ) ;
  // Removing leading Category:
  cat_title = cat_title.substr(cat_title.indexOf(":") + 1);
  var sep1 = document.createTextNode ( " " ) ;
  var a1 = document.createTextNode ( "(-)" ) ;
  var remove_link = document.createElement ( "a" ) ;
  remove_link.href = "javascript:hotcat_remove(\"" + cat_title + "\");" ;
  remove_link.appendChild ( a1 ) ;
  span.appendChild ( sep1 ) ;
  span.appendChild ( remove_link ) ;

  var mod_id = "hotcat_modify_" + i ;
  var sep2 = document.createTextNode ( " " ) ;
  var a2 = document.createTextNode ( "(±)" ) ;
  var modify_link = document.createElement ( "a" ) ;
  modify_link.id = mod_id ;
  modify_link.href = "javascript:hotcat_modify(\"" + mod_id + "\");" ;
  modify_link.appendChild ( a2 ) ;
  span.appendChild ( sep2 ) ;
  span.appendChild ( modify_link ) ;

function hotcat_modify_existing ( catline ) {
  var spans = catline.getElementsByTagName ( "span" ) ;
  for ( var i = 0 ; i < spans.length ; i++ ) {
    hotcat_modify_span ( spans[i] , i ) ;

function hotcat_remove ( cat_title ) {
  var editlk = document.getElementById('ca-edit').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;
//if (window.confirm("Vuoi veramente eliminare la categoria '" + cat_title + "' ?")) tolto avviso per cancellazione categoria quando in autoconfirm
    document.location = editlk + '&hotcat_removecat=' + encodeURIComponent(cat_title) ;

function hotcatGetParamValue(paramName, h) {
        if (typeof h == 'undefined' ) { h = document.location.href; }
        var cmdRe=RegExp('[&?]'+paramName+'=([^&]*)');
        var m=cmdRe.exec(h);
        if (m) {
                try {
                        return decodeURIComponent(m[1]);
                } catch (someError) {}
        return null;

function hotcat_check_action () {
  var ret = 0 ;
  if ( wgAction != "edit" ) return ret ; // Not an edit page, so no business...
  var summary = new Array () ;
  var t = document.editform.wpTextbox1.value ;
  var prevent_autocommit = 1 ;
  if ( typeof hotcat_autocommit != 'undefined' && hotcat_autocommit ) prevent_autocommit = 0 ;

  // Remove existing category?
  var hrc = hotcatGetParamValue('hotcat_removecat') ;
  // Add new category?
  var hnc = hotcatGetParamValue('hotcat_newcat') ;

  if ( typeof hrc != "undefined" && hrc != null && hrc != "" ) {
    var hcre = new RegExp("(\\s*)\\[\\[ *(?:Categoria|Category) *: *" + hrc.replace(/([\\\^\$\*\+\?\.\|\{\}\[\]\(\)])/g, "\\$1") + " *(\\|[^\\]]*)?\\]\\]", "gi");
    var matches = t.match(hcre);
    if (matches != null && matches.length == 1) { // Found one occurrence of the category - good!
      if ( typeof hnc != "undefined" && hnc != null && hnc != "" ) {
        t = t.replace(hcre, "$1[["+"Categoria:" + hnc + "$2]]");
        summary.push ( "Sostituita la categoria [["+"Categoria:" + hrc + "]] con [["+"Categoria:" + hnc + "]]" ) ;
      } else {
        t = t.replace(hcre, "");
        summary.push ( "Eliminata la categoria [["+"Categoria:" + hrc + "]]" ) ;
      ret = 1 ;
    } else {
      alert ( "Impossibile trovare il testo della \"" + hrc + "\" - la categoria potrebbe essere inclusa tramite template" ) ;
      prevent_autocommit = 1 ;
  } else {
    // Only adding?
    if ( typeof hnc != "undefined" && hnc != null && hnc != "" ) {
      // Looking for last cat
      var re = /\[\[(?:Categoria|Category):[^\]]+\]\]/ig
      var index = -1;
      while (re.exec(t) != null) index = re.lastIndex;
      var txt = "[["+"Categoria:" + hnc + "]]" ;
      if (index < 0) {
        t = t + '\n' + txt ;
      } else {
        t = t.substring(0, index) + '\n' + txt + t.substring(index);
      summary.push ( "Aggiunta la categoria [["+"Categoria:" + hnc + "]]" ) ;
      ret = 1 ;

  if ( ret ) {
    document.editform.wpTextbox1.value = t ;
    document.editform.wpSummary.value = summary.join( " ; " ) + " (con HotCat)" ;
    document.editform.wpMinoredit.checked = true ;
    if ( !prevent_autocommit ) {
      document.getElementById("bodyContent").style.display = "none" ; // Hiding the entire edit section so as not to tempt the user into editing...

  // This is the end, my friend, the end...
  return ret ;

function hotcat_clear_span ( span_add ) {
  while ( span_add.firstChild ) span_add.removeChild ( span_add.firstChild ) ;

function hotcat_create_span ( span_add ) {
  hotcat_clear_span ( span_add ) ;
  var a_add = document.createElement ( "a" ) ;
  var a_text = document.createTextNode ( "(+)" ) ;
  span_add.id = "hotcat_add" ;
  a_add.href = "javascript:hotcat_add_new()" ;
  a_add.appendChild ( a_text ) ;
  span_add.appendChild ( a_add ) ;

function hotcat_modify ( link_id ) {
  var link = document.getElementById ( link_id ) ;
  var span = link.parentNode ;
  var catname = span.firstChild.firstChild.data ;
  while ( span.firstChild.nextSibling ) span.removeChild ( span.firstChild.nextSibling ) ;
  span.firstChild.style.display = "none" ;
  hotcat_create_new_span ( span , catname ) ;
  hotcat_last_v = "" ;
  hotcat_text_changed () ; // Update icon

function hotcat_add_new () {
  var span_add = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_add" ) ;
  hotcat_clear_span ( span_add ) ;
  hotcat_last_v = "" ;
  hotcat_create_new_span ( span_add , "" ) ;

function hotcat_create_new_span ( thespan , init_text ) {
  var form = document.createElement ( "form" ) ;
  form.method = "post" ;
  form.onsubmit = function () { hotcat_ok(); return false; } ;
  form.id = "hotcat_form" ;
  form.style.display = "inline" ;

  var list = document.createElement ( "select" ) ;
  list.id = "hotcat_list" ;
  list.onclick = function () { document.getElementById("hotcat_text").value = document.getElementById("hotcat_list").value ; hotcat_text_changed() ; } ;
  list.ondblclick = function () { document.getElementById("hotcat_text").value = document.getElementById("hotcat_list").value ; hotcat_text_changed() ; hotcat_ok(); } ;
  list.style.display = "none" ;

  var text = document.createElement ( "input" ) ;
  text.size = 40 ;
  text.id = "hotcat_text" ;
  text.type = "text" ;
  text.value = init_text ;
  text.onkeyup = function () { window.setTimeout("hotcat_text_changed();", hotcat_suggestion_delay ); } ;

  var exists = document.createElement ( "img" ) ;
  exists.id = "hotcat_exists" ;
  exists.src = hotcat_exists_no ;

  var OK = document.createElement ( "input" ) ;
  OK.type = "button" ;
  OK.value = "OK" ;
  OK.onclick = hotcat_ok ;

  var cancel = document.createElement ( "input" ) ;
  cancel.type = "button" ;
  cancel.value = "Annulla" ;
  cancel.onclick = hotcat_cancel ;

  form.appendChild ( list ) ;
  form.appendChild ( text ) ;
  form.appendChild ( exists ) ;
  form.appendChild ( OK ) ;
  form.appendChild ( cancel ) ;
  thespan.appendChild ( form ) ;
  text.focus () ;

function hotcat_ok () {
  var text = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_text" ) ;
  var v = text.value ;

  // Empty category ?
  if ( v == "" ) {
    hotcat_cancel() ;
    return ;

  var editlk = document.getElementById('ca-edit').getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;
  var url = editlk + '&hotcat_newcat=' + encodeURIComponent( v ) ;

  // Editing existing?
  var span = text.parentNode.parentNode ; // span.form.text
  if ( span.id != "hotcat_add" ) { // Not plain "addition"
    var cat_title = span.firstChild.getAttribute ( "title" ) ;
    // Removing leading Category:
    cat_title = cat_title.substr(cat_title.indexOf(":") + 1);
    url += '&hotcat_removecat=' + encodeURIComponent( cat_title ) ;

  document.location = url ;

function hotcat_cancel () {
  var span = document.getElementById("hotcat_form").parentNode ;
  if ( span.id == "hotcat_add" ) {
    hotcat_create_span ( span ) ;
  } else {
    while ( span.firstChild.nextSibling ) span.removeChild ( span.firstChild.nextSibling ) ;
    span.firstChild.style.display = "" ;
    for ( var i = 0 ; i < span.parentNode.childNodes.length ; i++ ) {
      if ( span.parentNode.childNodes[i] != span ) continue ;
      hotcat_modify_span ( span , i ) ;
      break ;

function hotcat_text_changed () {
  if ( hotcat_running ) return ;
  var text = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_text" ) ;
  var v = text.value.ucFirst() ;
  if ( hotcat_last_v == v ) return ; // Nothing's changed...

  hotcat_running = 1 ;
  hotcat_last_v = v ;

  if ( v != "" ) {
    var url = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + "/api.php?format=xml&action=query&list=allpages&apnamespace=14&apfrom=" + encodeURIComponent( v ) + "&aplimit=" + encodeURIComponent( hotcat_list_items );
    if ( typeof ( hotcat_xmlhttp ) != "undefined" ) hotcat_xmlhttp.abort() ; // Just to make sure...
    hotcat_xmlhttp = new sajax_init_object() ;
    hotcat_xmlhttp.open('GET', url, true);
    hotcat_xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
          if ( typeof hotcat_xmlhttp == "undefined" ) return ;
          if (hotcat_xmlhttp.readyState == 4) {
              var xml = hotcat_xmlhttp.responseXML ;
              if ( xml == null ) return ;
              var pages = xml.getElementsByTagName( "p" ) ;
              var titles = new Array () ;
              for ( var i = 0 ; i < pages.length ; i++ ) {
                var s = pages[i].getAttribute("title");
                // Removing leading "Category:"
                s = s.substr(s.indexOf(":") + 1);
                if ( s.substr ( 0 , hotcat_last_v.length ) != hotcat_last_v ) break ;
                titles.push ( s ) ;
              hotcat_show_suggestions ( titles ) ;
  } else {
    var titles = new Array () ;
    hotcat_show_suggestions ( titles ) ;
  hotcat_running = 0 ;

function hotcat_show_suggestions ( titles ) {
  var text = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_text" ) ;
  var list = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_list" ) ;
  var icon = document.getElementById ( "hotcat_exists" ) ;
  if ( titles.length == 0 ) {
    list.style.display = "none" ;
    icon.src = hotcat_exists_no ;
    return ;
  var listh = hotcat_list_size * 20 ;
  if (titles.length < hotcat_list_size) {
    listh = titles.length * 20 ;
  var nl = parseInt ( text.parentNode.offsetLeft ) - 1 ;
  var nt = parseInt(text.offsetTop) - listh ;
  // Parameter to show suggestion list beneath categories instead of above
  if (typeof hotcat_list_down != "undefined" && hotcat_list_down) {
     nt = text.offsetTop + text.offsetHeight;
  list.size = 5 ;
  list.style.align = "left" ;
  list.style.zIndex = 5 ;
  list.style.position = "absolute" ;
  list.style.top = nt + "px" ;
  list.style.width = text.offsetWidth + "px" ;
  list.style.height = listh + "px" ;
  list.style.left = nl + "px" ;
  while ( list.firstChild ) list.removeChild ( list.firstChild ) ;
  for ( var i = 0 ; i < titles.length ; i++ ) {
    var opt = document.createElement ( "option" ) ;
    var ot = document.createTextNode ( titles[i] ) ;
    opt.appendChild ( ot ) ;
    opt.setAttribute( "value", titles[i] );
    list.appendChild ( opt ) ;
  list.style.display = "block" ;

  icon.src = hotcat_exists_yes ;

  var first_title = titles.shift () ;
  if ( first_title == hotcat_last_v ) return ;

  var suggestion = first_title;
  text.value = suggestion  ;
  if (text.createTextRange) {
    // IE
    var ra = text.createTextRange();
    ra.moveStart("character", hotcat_last_v.length);
    ra.moveEnd("character", suggestion.length);
  } else if( is_khtml ) {
    text.setSelectionRange( hotcat_last_v.length, suggestion.length );
  } else {
    text.selectionStart = hotcat_last_v.length ;
    text.selectionEnd = suggestion.length ;