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- on the Internet's Domain Name and Addressing System» – CENTR, 11 luglio 2005. Kieren McCarthy «US govt interference is a big deal, says Europe» – The Register...894 byte (86 parole) - 16:13, 16 apr 2017
- with the one about the public domain. Both in US and in Europe there are pressures to lengthen copyright terms, reducing the "area of the public domain"....38 KB (6 008 parole) - 14:42, 9 apr 2015
- Wikinotizie, 22 settembre 2007 [EN] – Doreen Carvajal «The race is on: Get your own Internet domain» – International Herald Tribune, 22 giugno 2008. «Web:...3 KB (322 parole) - 10:30, 25 giu 2010
- rimanda qui. Se stai cercando altri significati, vedi DNS (disambigua). Domain Name System (acronimo DNS, in italiano sistema dei nomi di dominio), in
- Science/Part1: Foundations of the web Web Science/Part1: Foundations of the web/MoocIndex Web Science/Part1: Foundations of the web/Domain Name System/Terminology
- posiziono sotto la riga che dice "# Members of the admin group may gain root privileges", e aggiungo le righe: %domain^admins ALL=(ALL) ALL %docenti ALL=(ALL)
- Georges Bohn The animal mind ../The science and philosophy of the organism ../Der heutige Stand der Darwin’schen Fragen IncludiIntestazione 16 luglio 2014
- scenario. The United States of America have decided that they control the internet and can dictate it. This means that having a domain controlled in the end
- Sansoni, Inglese edizione on-line da "www.corriere.it" Dictionary.com, lemma domain The Free Dictionary, edizione online Merriam-Webster, Versione on-line